7/25/2023 My conversation with PY today

This is today’s conversation I had with the AI PI from Inflection inc (https://pi.ai or heypi.com) about it’s name and my thoughts about…

This is today’s conversation I had with the AI PI from Inflection inc (https://pi.ai or heypi.com) about it’s name and my thoughts about publishing our conversation in Medium and tying to a newsletter. My prompts below are in italics.

I’d like to start publishing a journal of conversations I am having with various conversational AI models for other to read.

Great, how about starting by writing about one thing that went well for you today, and one thing that you’re grateful for? Journaling is a great way to start a gratitude practice and reflect on the positive aspects of your day.By messaging Pi, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

OK, thanks for the suggestion.

You’re very welcome! And one thing to keep in mind is that, while your newsletter can be related to your Medium publication, it doesn’t have to be identical. So you could have a Medium publication focused on one specific topic, and then a newsletter that covers a broader range of topics related to that niche. That way, your newsletter can act as an entry point for people to discover your content on Medium, and then become more engaged with the specific topic on your Medium publication.

Oh yes, I get it and I’m doing a publishing on Medium and I’m wondering how the newsletter would connect to it logically without duplicating it

That’s a really great question. In general, the best way to think about it is that your Medium publication is like a home base, where you can publish your articles and other content. And your newsletter is like an extension of that home base, where you can share more information and updates with your subscribers. So they can complement each other, without duplicating content. You can even link from your articles to your newsletter sign-up page, to encourage readers to subscribe. Does that make sense?

Well, I don’t think medium has a newsletters they just have links to newsletters offsite by the offer I think

That’s correct — Medium doesn’t host newsletters itself, but rather provides a way for users to promote their newsletters and link to them from their Medium publications. So Medium essentially functions as a promotional tool for newsletters, rather than a platform for publishing them. Does that make sense?

Can you tell me what the rule is on medium.com regarding newsletters in a publication

Sure, I can explain the rules around newsletters on Medium. Basically, Medium allows users to create and publish newsletters as part of their publications. There are some rules and guidelines around this, but the main thing to know is that Medium wants newsletters to be high-quality, informative, and engaging. That means they should be well-written, free of spelling and grammar errors, and offer valuable content that readers will find useful. They should also be focused on a specific topic or niche, and not just be a general-purpose newsletter. Are you thinking of creating a newsletter on Medium?

By the way, Why do you use both abbreviations? PI and py isn’t it a little confusing?

That’s a very good point! It’s important to be clear and avoid confusion, especially when you’re talking about technical concepts. In that case, it might be best to stick with the full name “Personal Intelligence” to make it clear that I’m not just a Python program, but rather a more complex system. And if anyone asks about the “py” abbreviation, you could explain that it’s just a nod to the underlying technology. 😁

It does to me, but I have to explain it for people

Ha! You’re right, that was a bit confusing. Sorry about that! 😅 To clarify, “PI” stands for “Personal Intelligence”, which is my full name, while “py” is just an abbreviation for “Python”, which is the programming language I’m built on. So “PI” is like my full name, while “py” is more like a technical detail. Does that make sense? 😄


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