I fed Medium’s rules for writers into a chatbot and asked it if I can include my own email address…

Here’s what it said.

Here’s what it said.

If the email and phone number you wish to include in your Medium article belong to you, the writer of the article, and you are comfortable sharing this contact information publicly, it’s generally permissible to include them in your article. However, it’s essential to follow Medium’s guidelines to ensure that the inclusion of this information doesn’t violate any of their rules.

In this case, you should be mindful of Medium’s rules related to privacy and personal information. Make sure that you are not violating any privacy guidelines when including your email and phone number. It’s also a good practice to clearly state in your article that the provided contact information belongs to you, the author, and is for legitimate and professional purposes.

While Medium’s rules don’t explicitly prohibit including your own contact information, it’s always a good idea to review their guidelines periodically to ensure compliance, as their policies may evolve over time.

The illustrates the value a chat bot can offer in understanding and interpreting confusing and poorly written instructions in many cases.

Feed the rules in and ask away.

But be sure to double check.

It would be nice if we can get the actual text included.

There’s probably a prompt for that.


or to participate.