Today I started developing custom GPT aka GPTs

Yesterday I had the “explore” button in chatGPT and experimented with the predefined GPTs such as tech support and data analysis. the…

Yesterday I had the “explore” button in chatGPT and experimented with the predefined GPTs such as tech support and data analysis. the custom GPT was not activate yet.

Today it was activated. I created my first GPTs to located a part on a web site. The idea is the CPTs will go through the tedium of dealing wiht the url and its search parameters for me without me having to deal wiht the site’s relentless minutia.

But I could quite get it to work. Maybe it was detected and blocked. Could not be sure. Did not get any specific info other than timeouts.

Then ChatGPT lost my custom GPTs. I wnet bak to the main pain and when I returned, it was gone. Did I forget to press a save button? Is the network still having growing pains?

We’ll soon see.

and oh, the predefined ones were gone too. :)

PS — got everything back by noon :thumbsup:


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